KL FolkskolanPLThe school house, Krokträsk, ca 1899.

When Martin Johnson, who passed away in 2011, Knut Lundmark's close friend and co-worker, compiled the book Knut Lundmark och Världsrymdens erövring (’Knut Lundmark and Man´s March into Spacè´)the Conquest of the World Space’)  - published by Värld och Vetandes Förlag, 1961-  a row of astronomers and other scientists participated in the memorandum (Niels Bohr, Werner von Braun, Milton L Humason, Carl Schalén, Harlow Shapley, Fritz ZwickyB. A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, Per Collinder et al.)

Martin Johnson, who also had his roots in the North of Sweden, told in his own words about Lundmark's barren childhood and growing up years.




This was his contribution:


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